School of Counseling Skills Assessment Training

WNBC1038 - School of Counseling Skills Assessment Training

1.5 NBCC Hour | Estimated 1.5-Hour Workload

  • feature icon All Level
  • feature icon 1.5 NBCC Hour
  • feature icon Estimated 1.5-Hour Workload
  • feature icon Accessible for 180 days


This training program is designed to deepen understanding, consistency, and proficiency in the teaching and assessment of counseling through a structured exploration of the School of Counseling's skills assessment framework. Participants will gain knowledge of functional definitions of the application of counseling skills categorized into macroskills, mesoskills, and microskills. Furthermore, the curriculum includes observation practical examples of how each microskill can be effectively applied within both individual and group counseling settings, followed by interactive activities, ensuring a well-rounded comprehension of counseling techniques and how to assess them. This training aims to enhance inter-rater reliability across the comprehensive counselor-in-training skill development program of studies of the Walden University School of Counseling.

What You Will Learn

Upon successful completion of this activity, attendees will:

  • Acquire knowledge about the developmental framework of the School of Counseling's skills assessment.
  • Understand the different categories of counseling skills such as macroskills, mesoskills, and microskills and their interrelationship.
  • Observe practical examples of each microskill applied in individual and group counseling contexts.

Faculty Bios



Omega Zeta chapter of Chi Sigma Iota is presenting this program with Walden University Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program’s oversight.

Walden University’s Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 4546. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Walden University’s Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Successful completion of this resource provides 1.5 NBCC clock hour; partial credit will not be offered.

ACEP contact information:

100 Washington Ave. S Suite 1210, Minneapolis MN, 55401
Email: [email protected]

  • feature icon All Level
  • feature icon 1.5 NBCC Hour
  • feature icon Estimated 1.5-Hour Workload
  • feature icon Accessible for 180 days