Becoming Culturally Responsive Counseling Professionals

WMCP2005 - Becoming Culturally Responsive Counseling Professionals

Micro-Course | 1 NBCC hour | Estimated 1-Hour Workload

NAADAC Logo  Approved Continuing Education Provider

Price reduced from $45.00 to $38.25
How To Enroll?
  • feature icon Professional Development
  • feature icon All Level
  • feature icon 1 NBCC hour
  • feature icon Estimated 1-Hour Workload
  • feature icon Self-Paced
  • feature icon Accessible for 180 days


We live in an increasingly culturally diverse society. A multicultural society translates into culturally diverse clients, students, and supervisees. Studies show that culturally responsive counselors develop strong working alliances with their clients. Cultural competence is also an essential component in the training and supervision of new counseling professionals. Intersectional theory and the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies serve as a framework to guide counseling professionals' implementation of culturally inclusive practices, research, and advocacy efforts.

This micro-course uses the ADDRESSING model as a guide in the exploration of our identities as well as our clients, students, or supervisees' identities to become culturally responsive counseling professionals. In this micro-course, participants will increase their cultural self-awareness by exploring their identities, attitudes, and beliefs. This micro-course will prepare learners to integrate cultural competencies and skills in their various roles as counseling professionals. Participants will also explore the intersectionality of their own identities, their clients, students, or supervisees and devise ways for becoming involved in advocacy efforts in their communities.

What You Will Learn

Upon successful completion of this micro-course, you will be able to:

  • Explain ways to increase cultural responsiveness.
  • Integrate cultural competencies and skills into their roles as counseling professionals.
  • Reflect on how the intersectionality of their identities and the identities of their clients, students, and/or supervisees impact the professional relationship.
  • Devise ways for becoming involved in advocacy efforts in their communities.


  • Must be 18 or older

Refund Policy

You will have 24 hours, or until you receive your completion certificate, to request a full refund after purchase, whichever comes first.. No hidden fees. All books and materials are included with purchase.

Faculty Bio


  • What does it mean to be Culturally Responsive?

    Review the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies (MSJCC) and employ them as a framework in an exploration of what it means to be culturally responsive counseling professionals, and identify ways to increase cultural awareness and responsiveness in client sessions, with supervisees, and in work with students.

  • Developing Counselor Self-Awareness

    Focus on developing counselor self-awareness by reflecting how the intersectionality of our identities and the identities of our clients, students, and supervisees influence our professional relationships.

  • Exploring Client Worldviews

    Consider strategies for exploring our and others' worldviews and explore how the intersectionality of our identities and the identities of our clients, students, and/or supervisees influence our professional relationships.

  • Nurturing the Professional Relationship

    Discover ways to nurture professional relationships and how to integrate cultural competencies and skills in various roles as counselors, instructors, and/or supervisors.

  • Participating in Counseling and Advocacy Interventions

    Review ways to engage in counseling and advocacy interventions with clients, students, and/or supervisees. Explore ideas and devise to become involved in advocacy efforts for the benefit of clients and communities.



Walden University’s Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 4546. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Walden University’s Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Successful completion of this micro-course provides 1 NBCC clock hour; partial credit will not be offered.

ACEP contact information:

100 Washington Ave. S Suite 1210, Minneapolis MN, 55401
Email: [email protected]


Cultural Competence

Cultural Competence

Develop your cultural competence for working clients, students, and supervisees.

Social Change & Advocacy

Social Change & Advocacy

Devise ways to become involved in social change and advocacy efforts.


Micro-Course Badge

Micro-Course Badge for Becoming Culturally Responsive Counseling Professionals

Price reduced from $45.00 to $38.25
How To Enroll?
  • feature icon Professional Development
  • feature icon All Level
  • feature icon 1 NBCC hour
  • feature icon Estimated 1-Hour Workload
  • feature icon Self-Paced
  • feature icon Accessible for 180 days

How to enroll?

  • 1Add course to cart
  • 2Create your account
  • 3Register for course
  • 4Make payment and submit application
  • 5Start learning
email [email protected] for additional assistance

Who is this for

  • Counseling professionals: clinicians, supervisors, and counselor educators