Creating Engaging Online Instruction

CEOI1100 - Creating Engaging Online Instruction

Learning Path | No Credit or CE | Estimated 20-Hour Workload

4.5 out of 5 stars.
(6 Reviews)
How To Enroll?
  • feature icon Professional Development
  • feature icon All Level
  • feature icon No Credit or CE
  • feature icon Estimated 20-Hour Workload
  • feature icon Self-Paced
  • feature icon Accessible for 180 days


In today’s world, educators can suddenly find themselves teaching at a distance. The sea of resources available for online teaching and learning can be overwhelming. Many K-12 teachers have questions such as, “How do I determine which digital tools will best meet my students’ needs?” Or “How will I ensure each of my students is engaged and benefiting from authentic learning despite the physical distance?”

Through this professional certificate, you will explore strategies for evaluating and selecting the right digital tools for your remote teaching and learning needs in a K-12 classroom. You will practice using different digital tools to create an engaging online classroom and meet the needs of all students. You will also be equipped with strategies to promote equity in the online classroom, as well as strategies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance for yourself and a healthy school-life balance for your students.

What You Will Learn

This course will help you develop the skills to:

  • Evaluate digital tools for their ability to address a specific need
  • Select technologies that support a student-centered approach to online teaching and learning
  • Use online communication tools and strategies to support teaching and learning
  • Use technology to help build community and relationships in the online environment
  • Apply best practices for ensuring accessibility for all students in the online classroom 
  • Apply research-based methods for designing effective and equitable online instruction 
  • Analyze strategies for promoting digital well-being for both yourself and your students
  • Create learning materials and instruction that adhere to ethical principles for the digital world


  • Must be 18 or older

Refund Policy

You will have seven days to request a full refund after purchase. No hidden fees. All books and materials are included with purchase.


  • Micro-Course 1 - Evaluate and Select Tools to Create an Engaging Online Classroom

    With a focus on application, this micro-course guides you through a process for evaluating and selecting technology. As a part of that process, you adapt an existing lesson for online delivery and apply an evaluation framework to help select the best tools for supporting students in the virtual classroom. The process also has you consider how technology can be used to engage and meet the needs of a diverse learning audience. The goal is for you to leave with implementable solutions that can have an immediate and positive impact on your students and your online teaching practice.

  • Micro-Course 2 - Curriculum Design: Leveraging Technology for Online Teaching

    This micro-course begins with an exploration of concepts that are foundational to planning tech-infused virtual learning experiences. You are guided through a self-assessment of your own online teaching skills, and you are equipped with a research-based framework for designing curriculum that employs digital tools to motivate students and promote academic success in the online environment. As a key component of this micro-course, you will apply your knowledge to design, implement, evaluate, and revise a unit or instructional plan in your own virtual setting.

  • Micro-Course 3 - Leveraging Communication Technology in the Online Learning Environment

    This micro-course guides you through the creation of a four-part plan that will support successful communication in the virtual learning environment. As you work through the planning process, you identify the communication tools and strategies that will work best for your specific needs. You also explore how these tools and strategies can be used to build relationships and foster frequent interaction and collaboration to create a strong online learning community.

  • Micro-Course 4 - Promoting Equity and Ethics in Online Education

    This micro-course guides you through the creation of a concept map that helps you strengthen your knowledge in several areas. These areas include instructional approaches and strategies that address diversity and accessibility for all students; ethical use of materials and resources that belong to others; effective practices for achieving digital well-being; and principles of good digital citizenship. As you build your map, you organize ideas and resources related to each area into a meaningful framework. At the end of the micro-course, you will have a valuable resource to support and increase your teaching effectiveness.


Foundational Knowledge

Foundational Knowledge

Build essential, practical knowledge that supports effective online teaching and learning

Practical Activities

Practical Activities

Throughout the micro-courses, you will complete activities that are designed to help you build and strengthen your online teaching skills

Flexible Learning

Flexible Learning

Easily consumable segments to adapt around your busy life


Professional Certificate

Professional Certificate in Creating Engaging Online Instruction

How To Enroll?
  • feature icon Professional Development
  • feature icon All Level
  • feature icon No Credit or CE
  • feature icon Estimated 20-Hour Workload
  • feature icon Self-Paced
  • feature icon Accessible for 180 days

How to enroll?

  • 1Add course to cart
  • 2Create your account
  • 3Register for course
  • 4Make payment
  • 5Start learning
email [email protected] for additional assistance

Who is this for

  • K-12 Teachers and K-12 Administrators