Effective Classroom Management: A Step-By-Step Strategy

WMCP2008 - Effective Classroom Management: A Step-By-Step Strategy

Micro-Course | No Credit or CE | Estimated 1-Hour Workload

  • feature icon Professional Development
  • feature icon All Level
  • feature icon No Credit or CE
  • feature icon Estimated 1-Hour Workload
  • feature icon Self-Paced
  • feature icon Accessible for 180 days


Classroom management and effective behavioral interventions have been a salient concern for teachers and staff over the last 20+ years as the numbers of behavior problems in schools rise. And, classroom behavior problems have been cited as top factors for teacher burnout. As a result, teachers have been seeking resources and training in classroom management.

This micro-course will help address the critical need for teacher training and expertise in classroom management through a detailed stepwise process. Teachers will learn important skills to become successful behavior managers. Many of the methods addressed in this course are based on the BOSS classroom management method that Dr. Ross pioneered. The BOSS method has been successfully implemented by teachers across the US and international locations.

What You Will Learn

Upon successful completion of this micro-course, you will be able to:

  • Identify and define important behavioral concepts and terms
  • Recognize and understand critical steps for implementing effective classroom management
  • Recognize and demonstrate what to say to students for effective classroom management
  • Recognize and understand what not to do or say to students in the classroom
  • Recognize critical outcomes from the research related to the course’ foundation


  • Must be 18 or older

Refund Policy

You will have 24 hours, or until you receive your completion certificate, to request a full refund after purchase, whichever comes first. No hidden fees. All books and materials are included with purchase.

Faculty Bio


  • The Essential Concepts

    The learner will recognize important concepts like punishment and reinforcement as they relate to classroom management. Also, the learner will gain new understanding in why some classroom management strategies are ineffective. The term “paradigm paralysis” will be introduced as an important concept.

  • Steps for Effective Classroom Management

    The learner will be introduced to two specific steps for effective classroom management for students of all ages. The steps are clearly articulated in terms of what to do and what to say to students for effective outcomes. The problem with the commonly used “redirection” is explored.

  • Main Categories of Contributing Factors

    Determine general categories of factors contributing to a problem and learn about the 6 general categories of causes commonly used in C&E diagramming.

  • Additional Classroom Management Steps for K-8

    Specific steps are outlined for K-8th grade classroom management in order to tailor to this population of students. Important concepts are emphasized with interactive media.

  • What Not To Do

    It is important to understand both concepts for effective classroom management: what teachers should do and say versus what teachers should not do or say. These distinctions are important as research shows that most teachers have been conditioned to a certain paradigm of responding to misbehavior. This portion of the training focuses on what not to do and provides rationale for those recommendations.

  • Teacher Outcomes and Research

    The content in this course is based on behavioral theory and considerable research. The concepts and steps presented in this course have been successfully replicated over 1000 trials. This clearly meets the definition of an evidence-based intervention. In this section, some of those outcomes will be shared with the learner.


Step-by-Step Strategies

Step-by-Step Strategies

Learn the steps on how to implement classroom management

The BOSS Method

The BOSS Method

Overview of the Behavioral Opportunities for Social Skills (BOSS) method


Micro-Course Badge

Micro-Course Badge forEffective Classroom Management: A Step-By-Step Strategy

  • feature icon Professional Development
  • feature icon All Level
  • feature icon No Credit or CE
  • feature icon Estimated 1-Hour Workload
  • feature icon Self-Paced
  • feature icon Accessible for 180 days

How to enroll?

  • 1Add course to cart
  • 2Create your account
  • 3Register for course
  • 4Make payment
  • 5Start learning
email [email protected] for additional assistance

Who is this for

  • K-12 school staff, teachers, administrators, and paraprofessionals