Change Leadership Professional Certificate

CLPC1100 - Change Leadership Professional Certificate

Learning Path | 10 ANCC Contact Hours | Estimated 10-Hour Workload

Price reduced from $325.00 to $276.25
How To Enroll?
  • feature icon Professional Development
  • feature icon All Level
  • feature icon 10 ANCC Contact Hours
  • feature icon Estimated 10-Hour Workload
  • feature icon Self-Paced
  • feature icon Accessible for 180 days


Organizational change has historically presented significant opportunities—and challenges—to organizations and employees attempting to successfully transition. Leaders can significantly impact this success by effectively championing change, communicating change to teams, and coaching those impacted by change. This Learning Path draws on diverse perspectives in organizational change management theory and practice to present how organizations change, what makes changes and disruption difficult, and how leadership plays a critical role in the successful transition to a new way of working. Learners will explore common myths and mistakes made by change leaders, best practices for avoiding common pitfalls, and strategies for supporting those impacted by change.

What You Will Learn

In this course, you will:

  • Describe why and how organizations change and define what is meant by the term "organizational change management."
  • Identify common mistakes leaders make during times of organizational change and disruption and analyze strategies for assessing the impact of change on leaders and their teams.
  • Develop an action plan for assessing the impact of change on individuals and teams, and describe the concept of a change champion within settings.
  • Identify the various ways in which leaders can act as champions of change and analyze strategies for advocating for and championing change by translating vision into action.
  • Develop an action plan for championing change within a team and describe the importance of effective communication and coaching with professionals and teams during change.
  • Identify various types and models of communication and concepts and roles of coaching and analyze strategies for effective change communication and coaching within a team during change.


  • Must be 18 Years or older

Refund Policy

You will have seven days to request a full refund after purchase. No hidden fees. All books and materials are included with purchase.

Related Learning


  • Micro-Course 1 - Shift Happens: Leading through Change and Disruption

    Managers and supervisors are an organization’s frontline face to the workforce and often must translate the reasoning behind why specific organizational decisions are made. However, many leaders find themselves in a difficult situation as they manage the pressures of their day-to-day work while adjusting to new expectations and explaining and supporting their teams through the frequent change and disruption often experienced within organizations. This micro-course provides a foundation on how organizations change, the role of leaders during times of change, and how to avoid common mistakes as a leader.

  • Micro-Course 2 - Preparing for Change as a Leader

    Change can be viewed differently by different people across an organization. It can also bring different experiences across various functional roles. This micro-course examines these varying viewpoints and experiences by exploring the impact of change/transition on leaders and their team members. Learners will explore strategies for identifying the impact of change on themselves and others. They will also learn how to assess this impact within their own teams. 

  • Micro-Course 3 - Championing Change: A Critical Leadership Role 

    Leaders help their teams navigate change in several significant ways. The first of these is by acting as a champion of that change. This micro-course focuses on this important responsibility of a leader during times of change. Learners will investigate how leaders can become champions of change from its onset. They will also explore the skill of advocacy and examine strategies for translating the vision of change into action for implementing change within their own teams.

  • Micro-Course 4 - Communicating for Change, Disruption, and Transformation

    Organizational change is best facilitated by common understanding. This highlights the importance of effective leadership communication. In this micro-course, learners will investigate how leaders can become effective communicators of change throughout the change process. They will explore various types of communication, examine do’s and don’ts of effective change communication, and develop strategies for effectively communicating change within teams. 

  • Micro-Course 5 - Coaching Teams Through Change

    Change is not easy, and can often lead to difficulties, resentment, and even resistance among teams. In this micro-course, learners will investigate how leaders can become coaches during times of change. They will explore strategies for effective coaching in an organizational context. They will also explore emotional intelligence, meeting people where they are, and how individuals and teams learn and unlearn habits.  Equipped with an understanding of these concepts, learners will develop strategies for effectively coaching through change within their own teams.

Accreditation Statement

Walden University College of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development through the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. Provider Unit P0469.

Criteria for Obtaining Contact Hours

This nursing continuing professional development course offers content that includes overviews and descriptions, engagement activities, resources, and a final assessment. Within 180 days of the course purchase date, follow these steps to claim nursing contact hours:

  1. Complete all content in each micro-course,
  2. Achieve 80% or higher for the final assessment,
  3. Complete the end of course evaluation, and
  4. Download and print or save your contact hour certificate.

Disclosure Statement

The planners and authors of this nursing continuing professional development activity disclose no relevant financial relationships.

While professional development activities offered by an American Nurses Credentialing Center Provider Unit typically satisfy the requirements of most states, Walden University recommends that participants ensure that the content offered meets their individual requirements. To the extent that contact hours must be approved within one’s state of residence or licensure, participants should check with their state board of nursing before enrolling in any professional development activity. The state board of nursing determines the number and type of contact hours that can be claimed for professional development activities.


Apply Change Leadership Best Practices and Skills

Apply Change Leadership Best Practices and Skills

Identify skills, practices, and assessment tools to identify and strengthen leadership during periods of organizational transition.

Build Resilience in Your Employees

Build Resilience in Your Employees

Apply resilience strategies and best practices to support leaders and teams within organizations undergoing change.


Use Emotional Intelligence in Change Leadership

Learn how emotional intelligence provides leaders with resources to understand and support how change can impact people differently.

Flexible Learning

Flexible Learning

Review professional development content offered in easily consumable segments to adapt around your busy life.


Professional Certificate

Professional Certificate in Change Leadership

Price reduced from $325.00 to $276.25
How To Enroll?
  • feature icon Professional Development
  • feature icon All Level
  • feature icon 10 ANCC Contact Hours
  • feature icon Estimated 10-Hour Workload
  • feature icon Self-Paced
  • feature icon Accessible for 180 days

How to enroll?

  • 1Add course to cart
  • 2Create your account
  • 3Register for course
  • 4Make payment and submit application
  • 5Start learning
email [email protected] for additional assistance

Who is this for

  • Leaders and managers supervising teams through times of organizational change
  • Aspiring managers and supervisors in any industry
  • Professionals in any role seeking to understand more about leading individuals and organizations through change